The thing that would cause extreme stress to any sensitive person is that if a sick person dwelling in the villages situated in the forested mountainous areas needs medicine or treatment which is not available in his village, then what will be his condition? Then there would be option for him other than travelling to appropriate places for seeking treatment which could be several kilometers away.
Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram is tirelessly working in the tribal areas to make Aarogya services available to all by various means such as medical centres, small hospitals, mobile hospitals (mobile medical units), Arogya Rakshak Yojana etc.. Medicines or treatment facilities are provided to millions of patients throughout the year. For this, many dedicated doctors living in the cities are contributing towards this noble cause by sparing their valuable time. In some states of the country, work is also being done for the treatment of animals.

During rainy season, medical camps are being organized in small villages despite adverse transportation conditions. In such thousands of medical camps set up throughout the year, lakhs of forest dwellers are getting benefited.
The city dwellers, sitting in their homes or offices, would not have any idea of how just one small medicine pill can cause a forest dweller to move away from his traditions. A young man living in a small village in a remote forest says that years ago someone from his family got treatment during his illness, which proved to be the reason for him being away from his sacred culture.
If our service in the health sector keeps someone connected with their tradition, faith and culture, then there is no doubt that our efforts are worth it.